Behaviour and Anti-Bullying
The school teaches a values-led curriculum that aims to promote the social and emotional development of our pupils. Our full behaviour policy can be found on the "Key Information" page under policies.
Here at PPS we celebrate good social and learning behaviour through a wide range of rewards that children can earn. Where behaviour falls short of our high expectations we have a clear policy and processes to address this.
Within this approach we also believe it is important to understand that children make mistakes. Forgiveness is an important part of moving on from an incident.
We record all rewards and any serious negative behvaviour on an electronic system which allows us to monitor effectively and report to governors. It also ensures we have accurate records which allows us to respond effectively to any parent concerns.
We believe in creating a culture of self-discipline and personal responsibility. We do this through rewarding the positives, promoting our school values and providing children with a range of opportunities to contribute to the development of their school.
We recognise that children will make mistakes and that sometimes their behaviour can be thoughtless and unkind. When this happens the school responds taking in to account their age and understanding. We apply the behaviour policy fairly and consistently. A senior leader is on duty every lunchtime and will meet children and reflect with them on what they have done, why it happened, what they can do differently and what they can do to make things better.
Please see the policies section of the website for our most recent behaviour policy and anti-bullying policies. These are reviewed annually.
The school will not tolerate bullying either in school, outside of school or online. Our policies were reviewed with parents, children and staff and are reviewed annually.
As part of our anti-bullying strategy we hold an annual anti-bullying week in November. We have anti-bullying ambassadors in every class from Year 2 up that meet regularly with Mrs Sargent (Headteacher).
We hold the Bullying Intervention Group Award for Excellence as a result of our hard work - now achieved 3 times.
In July 2022 we were awarded the Paul Heim award at the Somerset Anne Frank Youth Awards for our anti-bullying work!
This year, our Anti-bullying work will be child led and will include:
- A child led review of our anti-bullying policy
- Creating a school pledge
- Training school staff
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Leading anti-bullying assemblies
- Workshops for all classes throughout the year
- A programme of termly events to promote kindness, celebrate diversity and champion respect for others.
Please see our Anti-Bullying Ambassador page under Pupil Voice and leadership to see what we have done so far and for further resources. We are really proud of this work.
If you have any concerns about bullying please share it with school.
The school has a responsibility to tackle bullying outside of school and on social media. If you need us, we will be there for you.
We also have an anti-bullying noticeboard in the school hall.
Advice and support for parents:
For anti-bullying alliance advice for parents please click here
For anti-bullying resources for parents from the Diana award please click here
For information and resources from Kidscape please click here