Our Assessment Policy can be found on the Policies & Key Documents page.
During this academic year schools nationally have made sweeping changes to the way assessment is recorded and reported to parents following policy change from the DFE.
In September 2014 the DFE introduced a new National Curriculum which has raised expectations in English and Maths from Years 1 -6. National curriculum levels have been removed. The removal of these levels allows schools to match their assessment practice to their individual year group curriculum. At the same time the DFE and Standards and Testing Agencies have issued exemplar materials that highlight what children should be expected to do at the end of Year 2 (KS1) and Year 6 (KS2).
At the end of these year groups children's achievement will be described as meeting expected standards,exceeding expected standards and below or working towards the expected standard for the end of their key stage.
Rather than racing children through levels, the focus of our curriculum is now on teaching the expected knowledge and skills for each year group with no gaps for pupils. When children have a clear understanding the focus for class teacher is to allow children to develop a greater depth to this knowledge and understanding through problem solving and application in other contexts.
At our school we will let you know how well your children are doing, what they are great at and any areas for development as well as crucially what their next steps are.
Please see our parent guide and assessment presentation that was has been shared with all parents for a more in depth explanation of the changes we have made and our assessment practice in school.
Here at PPS all children's progress and attainment is tracked closely by class teachers and the senior leadership team. Where children are at risk of not meeting the expected standard at the end of their key stage the school offers a range of support to close any gaps. All parents of children who receive additional support on a regular basis are informed by the class teacher or our inclusion team.
This is a key element of our partnership with parents and families.
If you have any questions our class teachers will be happy to take them up with you.
Please click HERE to find the assessment dates for 2023 and 2024.
Assessment information evenings and baseline assessment in EYFS information below.